Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Together We Remember: Genocide Awareness Program

Working in pairs, create a minimum of three slides that include the following information regarding genocides throughout the world, both in the past and present, along with relevant photos:
  1. Name of country
  2. Specific Location (city or village)
  3. Targeted People/Victims
  4. Perpetrators
  5. Rationale/Goal of Perpetrators
  6. Years genocide took place
  7. Any other facts or statistics that describe or expound upon the genocide
Determine whether Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop would be best suited to the design you envision. 
Consider appropriate typefaces, color palettes, and evocative yet humanitarian images to communicate your story visually.
Page size:1920 pixels width x 1080 pixels height (16:9 aspect ratio) 
Resolution: 72 ppi

In the speaker notes section beneath the Google Slides presentation, type your names. (Do not include your names on the slide itself.)